Slant Six Forum

More carb problems
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Author:  Ross [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  More carb problems

So, you guys know the problems I had with the 1945. Well I got a 1920 from Seth and did a full rebuild and aired out all ports. Had it on for a few days and then had to take it off to fix a crack with jb weld. When I first put it on after adjusting everything, it loped like crazy, but I have a stock cam. When I put it on Sunday it loped like crazy. I've had it since Sunday, I pull off the freeway and stop at the sign, I go to go and, it revs up then bogs down, reved it a few times and it was fine, got home and I had to crawl at 5mph through the neighbor hood reving and feathering the clutch. I figured it wasnt getting fuel except when the accelerator pump Squirts, I thought the jet was maybe clogged, took it apart blew it all out, stuck it on. It ran. Going home tonight it did it again at a light reved it up and didn't have a problem. Anyone tell me what the heck is wrong? Im thinking vacuum now? Could it just be a bad carb? I put the 1945 on and it doesn't lope.


Author:  theomahamoparguy [ Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  carb problem re

Well, one thing I can tell you is not to use JB Weld in a carb repair. Seem the gas and even gas fumes will deteriorate it. The best stuff to use is Marine Tex epoxy OR Devcon for metal epoxy.
OK, now that that is out of the way, it seems like you are having problems with the needle and seat. The best way to check them is with a hand held vacuum pump. (attach a hose to the bottom of the removed seat and install the needle, the seat should hold vacuum) also, sometimes the little gasket under the needle and seat will leak. To check this use compressed air shot through the fuel inlet and some soapy water in and around the base of the seat where the gasket is. bubbles means leaking.
Another problem with those eighties pickups is the charcoal canisters, for some reason they like to suck carbon bits into the carb from the canister and this messes with the needle and seat also,

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