Slant Six Forum

Homemade heat shield
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Author:  JoshS [ Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Homemade heat shield

If anyone has posted on how to make a homemade heat shield for underneath the carb, please point me there. I wasn't able to find a post on it, but I may have missed it.

I'm doing the fuel line mod on my 225 tomorrow. It's got a Super Six set-up, and I'm having the dreaded won't-start-or-idle-nicely-when hot problem. Would love to know how to make a simple heat shield at home. Is it merely getting a piece of aluminum, cutting a hole to fit the carb, and sliding it on?


Author:  Brussell [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I will be using a sheet of stainless steel, but I don't see a reason why aluminium would be an issue (get something a little thicker perhaps 3mm?). and you want to make sure that it (from a birds eye view) sticks out from the carb a decent amount all round (though this will partially depend on what kind of exhaust you have).

And yes that works.

You could also grab your carb gasket, stencil that onto your sheet of metal and cut that out and use the sheet like the gasket and on your manifold you would go gasket, sheet gasket carb etc. But that will only provide more rigidity to the heat shield (which you could provide other ways) and lead to more chances of vacuum leaks.

Hope this helps.

Author:  olafla [ Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Check out Aggressive Ted's posts on the matter, and his photo series, here.


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