Slant Six Forum

coolant question
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Author:  6shotvanner [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  coolant question

Just a question that probably everyone else knows the answer to but I don't :shock:
Does the Mopar 'orange' coolant lose it's color with age? I ask as the orange color in the slant van that has been sitting for over a year is now quite clear but still smells/feels like antifreeze/coolant. Thanks all. :)

Author:  MoparFreak69 [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its possible that the contents settled out of the water while sitting. My A100 pickup that I pulled out of a junkyard had no liquid in the cooling system. I filled it with plain water from a hose and ran it for a bit without checking anything other than fill level. I had to pull the timing cover the other day which involved removing the radiator. When draining the system the coolant was quite green. A coolant tester indicated that I was protected to about 0*F, which is considerably lower than just plain tap water, which freezes at 32ish.
I would run it a bit, enough to get the thermostat open, and check again.

Author:  6shotvanner [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

We're pulling the drive train out of this one and it's going into another so no running the motor till it's moved :lol: As we drained both motors and no orange came out of the one just wondered if the Mopar coolant loses it's color over time.It sure was still orange last spring when it was last checked and run and the other rig has green coolant which has been in since Shep was a pup.

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