Slant Six Forum

Mopar suspension tools and balljoint sockets...
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Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Dec 04, 2002 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Mopar suspension tools and balljoint sockets...

I bought a new balljoint socket for late A and B bods (E too?) from a guy that I found on the web, but I can't find the link now. They are advertising in Mopar Action and possibly Mopar Muscle, so check out an ad for suspension tools there.

The guy's email address that I corresponded with is:

I paid $35 for a very nice 1/2"-drive ball joint socket and $35 for an UCA bushing puller/installer. Definitely money well spent on both counts as they made these repairs a snap - even quicker than using a shop press on the UCAs. Only small problem was that the long bolt with the UCA installer broke after pressing in/out 3 bushings. I think it may have partly been due to my heavy handed friend whose car we were working on, but a new bolt is easy enough to buy too.

All in all a great experience and very affordable. They have sockets for earlier As and C bodies as well, LCA presses, aluminum strut rods and tie rods, and some other susp stuff. Very friendly and good customer service too.

If anyone has trouble finding them, I can dig up their phone number, and I'll try to post more link info soon.


Author:  james longhurst [ Sun Mar 30, 2003 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

35 bucks is a great deal for those ball joint sockets as i recall paying 40 or 50 bucks from snap-on and mac tools. the mac socket i bought was only available in 3/4" drive so i had the added expense of an adapter to fit my 1/2" drive gun. but i think i got paid back as a friend gave me the c-body socket he found in a pawn shop for fifty cents.


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