Slant Six Forum

Holley 1920 heat shield info needed
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Author:  Chetterhead [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Holley 1920 heat shield info needed

ok, it's time to further my efforts in cooling down the hothead..

where can I get myself a heat shield and proper gaskets? I know the part number for the shield, but other than our own discussions about it, I can't find one and I don't have the greatest faith in the abilities of the parts guys around here.

also, I just realized that my '85 /6 is running with spark plugs minus the spacing ring. is this a problem? I just put 2 and 2 together on that one... the p/o must've gotten that done, assuming he had a '65 block.


Author:  63valconvert [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  How about Carter BBS??

Curious to this myself. I did the fuel line mod, but still get some boil and the hard start of doom we all know so well.

My question is more about thickness. How thick can I go with a Carter BBS while keeping the throttle stuff stock on a 63 Valiant? I am considering having a machine shop cut me something and then bolting on a couple of computer processor heatsinks on to the metal. But I'd rather it be thicker than thinner.


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Gasket for aluminum heat deflector


I had a unused spare downstairs. I had been using the FelPro 60274 also stamped 80467.
However, I tried to get one the other day and noticed the design had changed so now I am using (2) Felpro #60272. These are nice thick gaskets, one above and below the heat shield.

These work well.

Don't try using the thin gaskets or one thick and one thin. The results are poor and the carb will still get hot during soak. The two thick gaskets dramatically minimize the heat transfer. Hot starts are immediate.

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