Slant Six Forum

Aluminum alloy vs. steel cam sprocket block wear
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Author:  olafla [ Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Aluminum alloy vs. steel cam sprocket block wear

Rearward camshaft trust is taken by the rear face of the aluminum camshaft sprocket hub, bearing directly on the front of the cylinder block, eliminating the need for a thrust plate.
Have those of you using a steel cam sprocket for several years, seen more wear on the block surface, compared to that of an aluminum/nylon sprocket?

I would think the steel in the sprocket usually is hardened, but is the rearward trust large enough to make a difference in wear? This may typically be an issue where the oil film's quality make a difference.

Has there been available cam chain/sprocket kits using a trust plate or bearing of any kind?

A question for Doc (and others): Have you seen differences in wear pattern on block or sprockets when using a button to stop cam forward trust?

Just curious. (as always :roll: )


Author:  Doc [ Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

I never see much wear on the block "face" where the cam gear touches... even when using a cam "stop".
(A correctly installed cam stop has some clearance between the stop and the gear so it is not pushing the gear into the block, it just limits forward movement)

Author:  olafla [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, Doc.


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