The small vacuum port on the intake manifold was used to control the doors in the HVAC system under your dash. I see someone has cut and capped the lines for the AC evaporator under the dash. This renders the AC non functioning, but you still need the vacuum hose to be hooked up for the heater and vent doors to operate under the dash.
Here are the vacuum hose routing diagrama for a 74 Valiant A/C system:
The four diagrams show the flow of vacuum at different HVAC settings.
The large round black object you labelled "Vacuum port on vacuum (amplifier?)" is the vacuum reservoir depicted at the left of each diagram. The large port on it hooks up to the fitting on the intake manifold or some other strong source of vacuum. The smaller port (currently uncapped) goes into the firewall and provides vacuum for the rest of the HVAC hoses.
Starting from the vacuum reservoir, you are going to need to determine what hoses and parts are present and what hoses and parts are missing. Fortunately, the original hoses were color coded with a stripe on them, so you should be able to clean a section of hose off and see what color the stripe was and where it went.
If you don't have a factory service manual, you should get one. It will be invaluable for this project.
I am not sure what the round object on the firewall next to the OSAC valve was. Until you get the HVAC hoses all hooked up, you should cap the open fitting on the intake manifold. It make a big vacuum leak and might be why the motor is idling rough.