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Running without windshield trim
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Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Running without windshield trim

I need to get my windshield replaced.

The last time I had it done I left the trim out because it was a PITA removing / reinstalling it. I had leaks no matter how much silicon I put underneath the gasket so I decided to put some ribbon sealer between the gasket and frame, directly underneath where the trim would have been. This seemed to do the trick but I think the leaks came from the clip screw holes that got covered up. Perhaps I didn't tighten the screws down initially or I should have put a smidge of silicon underneath them.

So... assuming I seal the trim clip screw holes up, is there anything better then ribbon sealer to fill the void? What about just leaving it empty? The trim normally isn't sealed/glued down to begin with is it, so the area underneath is open to water anyway. Or maybe just the bottom to avoid water pooling up there.

Author:  Nongan [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't have trim on mine and I have no leaks because I sealed mine with actual windshield sealer from 3m, they have yellow and black. It does the trick, I ran mine around the outside of the gasket, on the frame, and inside right between it and the windshield and did one solid bead around both those areas and let it cure, and then with a person inside the car to find leaks spray the windshield with a hose, any areas that leak are going to need more adhesive. Or you can just pay a shop :lol: if I could do it again I wouldn't do my own glass.

My .02 cents


Author:  Pierre [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh I plan on letting a shop do it, but I want to take the busted one out myself and paint the lip.

What did you do with the clips / screw holes? I was thinking of taking the clips out but putting the screw back in with a blob of silicon behind it, then wiping the excess once the screw is tight.

Author:  Nongan [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ordered new clips from year one and put them in just in case I get new trim at some point. But your idea should work

Author:  Fopar [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

You might be better off using trim cement not silicon.


Author:  ESP47 [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't be using silicon on a windshield. It dries and cracks and also traps water underneath, causing rust.

Make sure your clips are in good shape. Normally they are fairly rusty and weak if they've never been replaced before. I'd put a dab of black weatherstrip adhesive on each of the screws when installing the clips. If you're going to seal a windshield, only use butyl or another petroleum based sealant that stays soft. Any sealer that dries after a few years will end up cracking and leaking.

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