Slant Six Forum

asian exhaust manifold
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Author:  hideogumperjr [ Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  asian exhaust manifold

I got my new exhaust manifold today via FedEx right on time. It looked a little wacky with some of the reinforcements but I was able to drill out my intake manifold 5/16" inner bolt hole to 3/8" on my drill press, piece of cake.

I ran into a couple of issues however to be aware of if you have an old /6 exhaust manifold to replace.

The three bolts to hold the intake and exhaust manifold together need to be <3.5" and not the standard 4' because the casting seemed to be different and the threads at the very bottom where to original bolts stuck through were now restricted and did not let the bold go all the way through.

I went to my Tacoma Bold and Screw store and got the correct lengths for the 5/16" but the 3/8" needed to be about 3" so I used washers to bolster it and it tightened up nicely.

There is an O2 sensor hole on the new exhaust manifold, got a 18mm, 1.5 oil plug from Tacoma BS for <$2.00 and it screwed right in for a perfect match.

Last thing I noticed was that the tail pipe to exhaust connection originally used 2 fine thread 3/8 or bigger bolts with nuts on them to secure the tail pipe to manifold but on the new manifold it is now threaded on the manifold side so bolts come up through the tail pipe plate into the manifold. I was at a loss when I realized I had taken off my thermostat housing to fix a broken exhaust stud and that these bolts fit the exhaust manifold thread, however they were about a half inch short. So another trip for hardware and I should be good to go on my exhaust change.

One last thing is the choke arm seems to be too long now, perhaps the housing on the new manifold sits forward some, I also noticed that while my old choke housing required two bolts there was only one bolt hole threaded in the new manifold with the front hole more like a placement pin holder.

I believe that is all I could find, I will try and enumerate the required hardware and provided it here for this easy swap.

Blessings to all for the input!
John (I am looking at a 1965 Dodge Dart hardtop now and feeling hooked!!)

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's not "Asian", it's Chinese, specifically. Hence the not-quite-fitment. If it were Japanese or Korean or Taiwanese, it would very likely be of much higher quality. Unfortunately, Chinese ones are pretty much the only option any more. :roll:

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