Slant Six Forum

oil capacity problem. fresh engine /slant in a 40
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Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  oil capacity problem. fresh engine /slant in a 40

having a little problem with oil capacity in my fresh motor.
needed a rear sump pan for the application. bought one from a member here. nice rear sump pan, came with dip stick and tube. this is the one that the tube comes out of the side of the pan. have engine in car, and addind oil for first time. i have put in 7 quarts, and still looks about a half quart low?? does anybody have any input on this. they say it is a 6 quart pan. is that without filter? i don't want to much oil either.
any suggestions would be appreciated.

Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:15 am ]
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Author:  olafla [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:37 pm ]
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The size and type of oil filter will also have some small influence on the appearant oil volume; a large oil filter with an internal stand pipe, will hold a certain amount of oil when the engine is shut off, while an oil filter with no internal stand pipe, and no stand pipe on the oil pump either, may possibly drain it's contents into the oil pan after the engine stops. We are not talking about large volumes here, though.


Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:00 am ]
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thanksn olaf. that's one thing i am wondering about, the specs say it is a 6 quart oil pan, but they don't say if that 6 includes the amount for the filter or not.. also being a fresh engine, i'm sure a fair amount of oil is hanging up in the motor.
yes years ago, we use to figure one quart for the filter. this is a pretty good sized filter(napa gold) and i'm guessing near 1/2/ quart

Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:48 am ]
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Should be a 6 qt pan (or maybe 5 + 1 in filter?). Dipstick could be wrong, or marked incorrectly I would fill with 6.5 qts, warm up engine, then check oil and re-mark dipstick full line.


Author:  olafla [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:55 am ]
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The difference between 6 and 7 quarts oil volume at start-up will not mean much, you start a bit low, and then refill a little if necessary. It gives you a chance to get familiar with the markings on the new dip stick.


Author:  terrylittlejohn [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:02 am ]
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with a modified pan with more capacity, it would be better to run on add mark, to keep oil from the crank witch help with internal windage.

Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:16 am ]
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I think without ever filling the filter, you are talking at least 1/2 qt difference compared with a warmed up engine.

Terry has a good point too. Most applications don't need to be close to full and will create less windage for more power/efficiency and maybe less oil breakdown.


Author:  Reed [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:56 am ]
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My 1984 Dodge van factory service manual lists the crankcase capacity of both the smallblock and slant six engines that year as 5 U.S. quarts, less the amount for a filter. The manual says add one quart for the filter. The oil pan used on the slant six in 1984 vans was the deep rear sump truck/van pan.

I would fill with six quarts and leave it alone.

Author:  chucksrodgarage [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

my pan is off a 81 d100 , and it is the rear sump type as yours. i think i'll run it at 6 quarts total, and re-mark the dip stick. thanks

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