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Bouchillon Cable Kickdown and Early A-Bodies - Warning!
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Author:  63valconvert [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Bouchillon Cable Kickdown and Early A-Bodies - Warning!

Well, noting my track record for having unforeseen difficulties whenever I attempt a project, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised (I'm told by the guy at the part store that with Mopars I should, "get used to it!"). But, the Bouchillon cable that is supposed to be the kickdown for my new Super Six/Weber setup is a bit more difficult to install on "Early A-Bodies" than you might think. Reasons why:

1. Zero clearance at the transmission - Attempting to install most of the parts is pretty difficult unless you're completely comfortable with detaching the transmission/or have a hoist.

2. The Transmission Cable bracket doesn't fit - Yep, I was shocked. But then I noticed in the fine print that you must "Dimple" the floor boards if you want the cable bracket to fit. Obviously, it would have been nice to know this, particularly with the clearance issues above.

So what this means is that I will indeed be spending a couple of hundred dollars more than expected, as I'm going to have to have a shop lower the trans, "dimple my floor" and attach 2/3 of the pertinent transmission side stuff.

Fortunately, I made this realization early. But let's just say it does have the potential to make someone mad.


Author:  exoJjL [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bouchillon Cable Kickdown and Early A-Bodies - Warning!

(I'm told by the guy at the part store that with Mopars I should, "get used to it!").
Doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about though it may be only slightly true for early A-bodies.

I also wouldn't be so surprised; your trying to install a setup on model years that was not originally designed for and to top it off with a carburetor not originally designed and used for a-bodies, not to mention the aftermarket kickdown. "unforeseen difficulties" is certainly NOT your track record.
I hope my blunt truth comes off as positive inspiration rather than an insult... :D

Author:  63valconvert [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually, he told me that he used to own a 64 Barracuda. Makes sense, as he tried to drop a 273 into a 225 body. That Barracuda memory probably still "stings" :)

No insult taken. My only burn here is that Bouchillon doesn't really warn anyone that it takes a fair amount of customization to put on their cable with Early A bodies. I certainly could have stayed with a crappy 1bbl, but I couldn't stand the "no mileage, no performance" of it.

I guess I have to remember that the Valiant model probably changed COMPLETELY in 1963.

Author:  slantzilla [ Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, get used to it. I have an early A and some things are just a PITA.

Author:  wjajr [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I have a 67 Dart, and a Bouchillon cable, and a selection of five different sized ballpeen hammers, one of which came in handy during the installation. Where the cable bracket bolts to the transmission is rather close to the hump sheet metal. Fortunately this was discovered when reinstalling transmission, and quickly rectified with the largest ballpeen in no time.
One way to make this installation easer would be to cut a hole in the floor from above, and form a cupped shaped cover held in place by a few screws to cap it.

Author:  WagonsRcool [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ended up making a new bracket to mount the cable (sheath) to the trans on my 63. The one from Lokar stuck out way too far- would probably be fine on a wide body.

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