Slant Six Forum

Turbo setup in an 83 D150 with a 225
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Author:  JeffTheMarine [ Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Turbo setup in an 83 D150 with a 225

So I have been reading all over the web about building a turbo slant. I do not plan on ever racing this engine and I am mostly wanting to help increase my fuel mileage/ moderate acceleration increase/ and a small power increase. I don't have any misconceptions about this being some 10 second vehicle or anything along those lines so that's not a big deal. I have read about the boost referencing of the manual fuel pump and what not but it seems like for my setup I don't really need that. I plan to keep my stock 2bbl carter and super six manifold.

1:I need to know how to set up my 2bbl Carb for a blow through setup or if I should just spend the money and buy a 350CFM 2bbl Holley but either way how would I set that up for a blow through set up

2:I am still trying to figure out exactly how I need to "adjust" the wastgate so I can control my boost pressure from inside the truck. Ideally if I could make some kind of mechanical turn knob to increase/decrease my boost pressure that would be ideal. I plan to run a boost gauge in the cab to monitor everything.

3: I plan to run an intercooler that has the inlet and outlet on the same side and run them both out the drivers side with the intercooler mounted in front of my radiator behind my grille. (I will post some picture of my idea tomorrow when I have the time)

4: I am an extreme neat freak so everything and I mean everything will need to be mounted routed and wired in as clean and organized a manner as possible.

All this will be going into my 83 Stepside pickup with a 225 Slant and a Super Six setup. Also I recently just got done installing an A833OD trans that I pulled from the junkyard. When I calculated my mileage I am actually getting worse now with the OD vs the Granny low 4 speed and I think that is just because I have to warm my truck up completly before I go anywhere otherwise the damn thing spits and sputters like hell. Once it's warm though it's ok. Choke is a pos....


Author:  1974duster kev [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:56 am ]
Post subject: 

The 833od probably got worse mileage just because it may be under powered for the amount of oomf it takes to keep a certain speed in 4th gear, for example you probably had to push more gas pedal to maintain 45mph in 4th od instead of your old tranny. The wastegate, just set yourself up to run an external wastegate that way when you feel like more boost you pop the hood and tighten the screw increasing the spring pressure thus increasing boost. internal wastegate you would just have to change a spring tp change the boost level.

Don't know much about 2bbls but i'm pretty sure your gonna still need a form of fuel enrichment under boost or else i'd assume the engine will run lean under boost.


Author:  mcnoople [ Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you use a turbo with internal wastegate you don't always have to change a spring to adjust boost level. The gadget in the link below works very very well for the money, but some wastegate cans have a minimum boost around 6 psi. And if you wanted to I am sure you could route the hoses into the interior for the tuning process.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:55 am ]
Post subject: 

The 833od probably got worse mileage just because it may be under powered for the amount of oomf it takes to keep a certain speed in 4th gear, for example you probably had to push more gas pedal to maintain 45mph in 4th od instead of your old tranny.

My Dart got MUCH better mileage after I put in the 4 speed OD tranny. I did not like the gear ratios, but the economy was excellent.


Author:  pishta [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you set your wastgate for a low opening pressure, ie a light spring, you can raise your boost pressure by tapping the reference line to the wastegate into the cab and through a bleeder valve, like a simple ball valve that vents to atmosphere. So you open the valve bleed off boost reference and you reduce the signal to the wastegate, increasing your potential boost before the wastegate can actuate.

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