Slant Six Forum

Steering column retrofit
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Author:  abodynut [ Wed Jan 01, 2003 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Steering column retrofit

:shock: I got a question or two for people in the know. I have a steering column out of a 77 or 78 Aspen R/T. It is a floor shift model and I want to put it in my 75 Dart. It looks to be basically the same except the coupling on the shaft is different. Could I be looking at just having to change the shaft to make this work or is there more to it? Thanks.
:arrow: Abodynut :D

Author:  abodynut [ Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

:roll: This one is for 'The Doc'. Several months back I stumped ya on 67 to 69 Valiants using Dart or Valiant up to 76 four door windsheilds as replacements. Time to test ya! I only know a body cars and have been around, under, inside, and outside them since the mid 70s. I am stuck on them and will most likely drive one until I cant drive anymore or until cars are all electric, well?. Anyway it looks like this could work but before I start pulling screws and c clips on both of the columns I was looking to hear if anyone has tried this out and really need the advice of someone in the know. :!: Thanks. :D
:shock: Abodynut :shock:

Author:  abodynut [ Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

:roll: By the way. It lists me as a guest. I thought I was a member? Did you guys kick me out? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  GTS225 [ Wed Jan 01, 2003 4:33 pm ]
Post subject: weren't "kicked out". What probably happened was that you cleared out your "cookies" and TIF's. When you do that, this sight no longer can tell that your 'puter has been here before, and will list you as a guest. Hit the "register" button at the top of the home page and type in your I.D. and password and you'll be back to "normal"


Author:  abodynut [ Sun Jan 05, 2003 10:39 am ]
Post subject: 

:( Wll I got the answer about the website but not the column. I will just pass on the retrofit and seek a floorshift column correct for my car. I like to experiment but money is tight and if this does not work i will be saving money on a column I cant use. Thanks anyhoo.

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