Slant Six Forum

Most cost efficient headers to buy?
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Author:  Nongan [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Most cost efficient headers to buy?

I want to ask around and find out which company makes the most cost efficient(not cheaply made) headers? I know Doug Dutra makes a great manifold, and I'm considering ordering one, but I want to know who makes a great set of headers?
I don't want to spend the 500 dollars for the hooker headers. My price range is probably 200-350. Could a competent exhaust shop make a set if I provided the flanges for it? And with most headers do I need to go to the mini starter, or can I still use the regular one?

Author:  wjajr [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:39 am ]
Post subject: 

My 67 Dart with 225 engine has Clifford shortys, standard sized starter, and the starter can be removed and installed with headers in place.

Author:  Brussell [ Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Early on before I knew anything about cars, I bought pace maker headders, cost around $450. They are good Mandrel bends etc.

Then I looked on ebay, every now and again second hand headders, same/very similar design. $50. Sometimes they needed painting, or rust work, or had the occasional repairable hole.

I would wait for second hand to save money and get decent quality.


Author:  63Dart170 [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I also run the Clifford Shortys. To have them custom made would cost well over $1000 in my estimation.

I know there was some custom bends and stuff to join the headers with the underside of the car. He said he'd have charged me a lot more if he knew he was in for all of that bending. All I can say is that he looked at my car, so he should have known before he started.

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