Slant Six Forum

67 valiant not starting. Electrical problem
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Author:  Brothercactus [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  67 valiant not starting. Electrical problem

This problem developed over night.

I turn the key on my valiant and nothing happens like the battery is dead. All the electrical stuff in the car works fine though. I can even start the car by turning the key on and arcing the starter with a screw driver.

Looks like something is wrong between the key and the starter. Can anybody save me some trouble and suggest where i look?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

First, try starting the car in Neutral rather than Park (or racking the shift lever through its full range of travel while holding the key in the "Start" position). If you get noise out of the starter, the fault is with your neutral safety switch. If not, the fault might still be with your neutral safety switch. It could also be a
faulty ignition switch, faulty starter relay, or faulty wiring/bad connection from the ignition switch to the starter relay or from the starter relay to the starter.

Next test: ignition key in the "run" (normal driving) position, transmission in Park or Neutral. Use your screwdriver to jump the two largest terminals on the starter relay. If the engine cranks, get out your test light, remove the two small push-on wires from the starter relay, and check for battery voltage across the two wires (or across the one wire and ground) when the key is held in the "Start" position. If voltage is there, replace the starter relay. If no voltage there, check for voltage across the the + small relay wire and battery negative. If voltage there, the neutral safety switch is faulty or out of adjustment. If no voltage there, the ignition keyswitch or its wiring are suspect.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

First, try starting the car in Neutral rather than Park (or racking the shift lever through its full range of travel while holding the key in the "Start" position). If you get noise out of the starter, the fault is with your neutral safety switch. If not, the fault might still be with your neutral safety switch. It could also be a
faulty ignition switch, faulty starter relay, or faulty wiring/bad connection from the ignition switch to the starter relay or from the starter relay to the starter.

Next test: ignition key in the "run" (normal driving) position, transmission in Park or Neutral. Use your screwdriver to jump the two largest terminals on the starter relay. If the engine cranks, get out your test light, remove the two small push-on wires from the starter relay, and check for battery voltage across the two wires (or across the one wire and ground) when the key is held in the "Start" position. If voltage is there, replace the starter relay. If no voltage there, check for voltage across the the + small relay wire and battery negative. If voltage there, the neutral safety switch is faulty or out of adjustment. If no voltage there, the ignition keyswitch or its wiring are suspect.
That is a post worth printing out and putting in your notebook. I know I will do it.


Author:  Zinere [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

First, try starting the car in Neutral rather than Park (or racking the shift lever through its full range of travel while holding the key in the "Start" position). If you get noise out of the starter, the fault is with your neutral safety switch. If not, the fault might still be with your neutral safety switch. It could also be a
faulty ignition switch, faulty starter relay, or faulty wiring/bad connection from the ignition switch to the starter relay or from the starter relay to the starter.

Next test: ignition key in the "run" (normal driving) position, transmission in Park or Neutral. Use your screwdriver to jump the two largest terminals on the starter relay. If the engine cranks, get out your test light, remove the two small push-on wires from the starter relay, and check for battery voltage across the two wires (or across the one wire and ground) when the key is held in the "Start" position. If voltage is there, replace the starter relay. If no voltage there, check for voltage across the the + small relay wire and battery negative. If voltage there, the neutral safety switch is faulty or out of adjustment. If no voltage there, the ignition keyswitch or its wiring are suspect.
That is a post worth printing out and putting in your notebook. I know I will do it.
Your advice saved another person today.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to help out!

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