Slant Six Forum

Ammeter stuck - time to replace?
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Author:  b5cuda [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Ammeter stuck - time to replace?

Hey all,
I was wiring in an electric choke (new carb) and supplied it from where my ballast resistor wires used to connect (now have HEI ignition so no ballast). Car runs fine but I noticed my ammeter is now stuck about half way over on "charge" side of the gauge. It worked fine before. Now doesn't move whether car is on or off, lights on, etc. So did I toast my ammeter gauge? Really not excited about pulling the dash cluster again so thought I'd ask first. Thanks!

Author:  mcnoople [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unhook the battery, tap on back of guage to see if it is just stuck. I imagine that if you had truly toasted the ammeter that you would have some smoke and other electrical systems would have failed.

Year, make, model?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Correct -- if you had toasted the ammeter, the car would be electrically dead. I think it's mechanically stuck (needle jammed against gauge face or other interference).

Author:  b5cuda [ Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep - that was it! Disconnected battery, loosened the leads and then the gauge, that was enough to dislodge the needle. Working so far, very happy not to have to pull the gauge cluster again! I also moved my tie-in for the electric choke so that it is on the blue wire close to the VR. I'm not sure what pegged the needle in the first place, whether I had a spike or had it hooked to the wrong side of the connections where the ballast used to be, or if I just grounded or loosened something in the wiring harness when I ran the choke wire. At any rate it is working now - thanks again for the advice!

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