Slant Six Forum

Power Vavle Holley 1945
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Author:  husker1 [ Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Power Vavle Holley 1945

Are there any other power valve options for the holley 1945 carb? I need it to be richer at low vacuum situations. I was hoping there would be some different springs or needle sizes available but have not been able to find anything.

Is there a way to determine what vacuum my current p.v. is opening? Any thoughts?


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Are there any other power valve options for the holley 1945 carb? I need it to be richer at low vacuum situations. I was hoping there would be some different springs or needle sizes available but have not been able to find anything.

No off the shelf power valve options that I am aware of.....SL6 Dan could advise. The 1945 power valve is not like a standard 2 or 4 barrel Holleys where you can buy various rated PV's.
I have heard of folks trimming the springs or drilling out the jet for a richer mix. I have often wished for the same options when I use to run the 1945.
Is there a way to determine what vacuum my current p.v. is opening? Any thoughts?
Sure, I watch the vacuum gauge. Anything below 5-6" on the Holley 1920, it kicks in and you can feel it and watch the mph climb. I would assume the Holley 1945 would be the same.

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