Slant Six Forum

Air Cleaner Query
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Author:  Wesola78 [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Air Cleaner Query

This is on my Weber 38DGES carb. I was using a Mr. Gasket 9" open air cleaner, but in my garage, I found a stock type Mopar aircleaner for a 4bbl carb. I found this at a junkyard years ago, and tucked it away.
Anyway, this Mopar air cleaner is much larger than the generic Mr. Gasket one. Being that it is larger, doesn't mean that it would allow more airflow? I like the fact that it has more of a "stock" look, even though it is way bigger than any that I've seen on a slant six. :twisted:
I'm not sure what car it came on originally, probably some late '70s full size Chrysler product. The filter in it is for a '79 Cordoba, and it fits perfectly.
So does it flow more air, even though it is a closed air cleaner?

Author:  Josh P [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

That is hard to say without specs on either filter. Generally, yes larger filter area means less restriction. However, you won't notice a difference unless the Mr. Gasket filter is so restrictive that is flows less cfm than your head (unlikely unless undersized or very dirty).

Air filters are cheap though, why not just buy a K&N online, got mine off Amazon for $10 with free shipping. It will flow great and last forever (or at least a good long time).

Author:  exoJjL [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I would'nt buy k&n.

Author:  hantayo13 [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

love my K&N air filters ....on everything I own,buy it once along with cleaning gets dirty clean and oil and go...have one on several trucks a it still works/looks new

Author:  raPoM [ Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I also love my K&N's,buy one and done. If you keep your cars a long time,then they will end up saving you money.

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