Slant Six Forum

Rust Inhibitor
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Author:  morparman [ Mon Jan 06, 2003 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Rust Inhibitor

Has anyone used the Por-15 product? How was it? Does it last? I have a 62 Valiant that I will be putting front floors in shortly, I hope. I would like to coat the rest of the floors with something that would stop the rust. If their adds are true, this is what I am looking for. I tried Permatex Extend on a car my son was fixing. Don't waste your money. Rust returned within six months.
If the Por-15 does not work, does anyone know of a product that does? Are there any other products that you prefer over the Por-15?
I would like to make this car a daily driver. It will take lots of work to get car into shape. I would like it to last for awhile.

Author:  killin5 [ Tue Jan 07, 2003 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I just coated my trunk and floors with POR 15. The trunk was badly rusted.

I was pretty impressed with the stuff.

I applied it in June and everything still looks good. Only time will tell how it holds up. I had used the rustolium repair technique after I bought my car and it didn't work well at all.

I was pretty meticulous about removing all the old paint (Rustolium). I have since painted over the POR 15 with the same Dupont Paint I used to paint my car.

You do need to follow the instructions exactly. DON’T leave the can open. Only take out as much as you can use at a time. And don’t use it when it is humid.

John Killin

Oh I also got some on my tailpipe (as a test….yea, as a test). It is holding up fine with the heat.

I may try their engine paint and manifold paint in the future.

Author:  dgc333 [ Tue Jan 07, 2003 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I use POR15 on everything including the bulked door. It lasted for about 5 years on the bulked, I finally replaced it last year. I have all over the bottom of my Cuda and Daytona and it is holding fine after 2+ years but these vehicles do not see winter driving.

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