Slant Six Forum

Do I need a throttle modulator?
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Author:  Chetterhead [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Do I need a throttle modulator?

I'm pretty sure that's what it's called... the dashpot and stem on a carb that slowly lets the throttle pull back off?
I don't have one and I've read "where used" and things like that in manuals, so I'm wondering:

1. Do you need one? If so, why?
2. Is there another form of deceleration control device that would be used in place of one?

I have a Holley 1920 on an 85 225. I know I have nothing in place that controls the accelerator besides the spring.
My car does a lot of stumbling at both random and specific times (I know at two particular speeds that it's going to cough (timing issues I think, which I'm slowly working on) and one big problem is corners. There's one down my street that takes a 90 degree to the right, then has tree roots pushing the road up into little bumps that makes my car bounce, so my foot bounces on the pedal right at the moment that I'd naturally give it gas out of the turn, so my car that already has issues catching up to itself around corners is now being given bouncy gas pressure. I have to baby it in those situations, because it seems like if I pushed harder and therefore gave it more gas in the bounce, it'd die.
I have a carb kit coming and I'm about to put up another post about my timing.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

A dashpot is not the same thing as a throttle modulator. You probably do not need a dashpot. A 1920 is not a very sound pick of carburetor for an '85 model.

Author:  Chetterhead [ Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

It wasn't my pick, just what it came with. I'd gladly get a better one if I had the funds.
So exactly what is the throttle modulator?

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