Slant Six Forum

holley 1945 help
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Author:  Ed Mullen [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  holley 1945 help

I've posted about this before:

I have a 87 b150 auto w/1945 carb.

Originally had AC (removed and scrapped) and cruise control (removed and sold).

Somewhere in the 'un-optioning' the idle solenoid socket disappeared.

I don't know which removed pigtail/harness it was part of, but I know it was one of them.

I have failed to find correct information about a dashpot &/or bracket to replace the solenoid which was shot and seized.

I gave up, and drilled and tapped the hole for the adjusting screw, inserted a bolt and lock nut, and adjusted the idle (badly) with that bolt.

Today I failed inspection for HCs.

I checked all vacuum lines for leaks (for being connected, really), and moved on to choke function and fuel mixture.

I found my mixture screw was loose.

I turned it in all the way, backed out 1-1/4 turns, started it, and found the curb idle to be way too fast, tried to lower idle before tweaking mixture, and my hacked together idle stop pretty much fell apart.

Please tell me what I need to eliminate the solenoid.

Part #s, photos of non-solenoid 1945s, offers to sell me basket-case carbs with appropriate parts, are all welcome and appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Also: i found a new solenoid on rockauto (75 dart).

Could I use it and wire to the choke modulator feed from the oil pressure switch?

Author:  Ed Mullen [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

upon squinting at the 1945 manual linked to the faq page, I see fig 40 shows the bracket and dashpot I need.

(I was imagining something on the other end of the throttle shaft.)

still need part #s or someone to sell them to me.

any help greatly appreciated.

Author:  Ed Mullen [ Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

dashpot won't help.

need curb idle screw bracket, or working solenoid.

Author:  Ed Mullen [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

talked to the only carb builder in NJ today.

He says mine is an 87-only carb.

He is going to look for an appropriate core with the solenoid attached.

If he finds one, he will rebuild it for me.

So i'd take off the solenoid, install it on my carb, then put the rebuilt one on the shelf until I'm due for another rebuild.

My backup plan is to contact all junkyards on who list a carb for an 87 van or truck, and ask if it's a 1945 w/working solenoid.

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