Slant Six Forum

Idle Mixture Screw
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Author:  jrdoj [ Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Idle Mixture Screw

A while ago I got a kit with the Weber 32/36 carb. From the time I got it, the idle mixture screw spring seemed to compress all the way before the screw bottomed out. As I've been struggling to get the carb dialed in, I decided to remove the spring. Upon reinstalling the screw I noticed, even with all the threads engaged, there was a lot of play/rattle to the screw. Do you think this is normal? It would seem to me that it's creating a severe vacuum leak being that loose.

I just wanted to get a few quick opinions. I'm writing Redline, but their tech support, as it were, has proven itself pretty scarce in the past. I'm simply concerned I may have gotten too small of a screw. It looks the same as the corresponding part, but I have no precise measurements to compare it to.

Thanks for any advice/observations.

Author:  Bing Kunzig [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  weber carb

Sorry but I don't know the answer to your problem. That's never happened to mine. But I was wondering what size main jets you are using,
Thank you

Author:  jrdoj [ Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I'm still running the 145s that came with it, but that's neither here nor there, really, since I'm still working out the mixture issue on top of some electronic ignition issues. The day I get to focus on fine tuning the main jets will be a happy one. Good luck.

Author:  Wizard [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is your weber used? This might have bad needle seat from excessive torque. Check again to be sure, and needle *requires* that spring to keep it from vibrating loose and get lost, and rendering car undriveable.

Cheers, Wizard

Author:  jrdoj [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is your weber used? This might have bad needle seat from excessive torque. Check again to be sure, and needle *requires* that spring to keep it from vibrating loose and get lost, and rendering car undriveable.
It's new. And I was careful not to overtorque it myself. I realize the spring needs to be there, I just removed it for the sake of curiosity - that's the only way I was able to discover just how much play there was. At present, I'm still sidetracked by my ignition issue and have yet to figure out what exactly is up with this screw.

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