Slant Six Forum

Old Smoker, lucky fix
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Author:  bigandbulky [ Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Old Smoker, lucky fix

I have an old 1980 d150 that I just got on the road. It has been sitting for 6 years and alot of it is original. t was suppost to be a project but needed it on the road.

Any way, it has been pouring through gas. Alot of unburnt gas was making it out the tail pipe. I tried adjusting the timing and tuning the carbs. I changed the plugs and fuel filter because it was cheep. I am looking into my new cap, button, wires and coil thinking that they would help. I noticed a charge problem so I changed the charge controller and on the ride home from work I stopped spitting gas and my alt gage is sitting firm since I got the truck (besides it getting so hot it melted itself a little.)

I am still going to change just about everything else including what looks like the factory fuel pump.

Thought this little story would/could help someone else in my position. Not everything thing is as it seems.

Author:  Wesola78 [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

If it has been sitting for a while, that could also be condensation coming out the tailpipe. Changing the cap, rotor, etc., is not a bad idea anyways.
I'm not saying that what is coming out your tailpipe is not gas, I'm just saying that part of it could be condensation.
Let us know how it goes.

Author:  bigandbulky [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

now that I have changed the the charge controller the fuel mileage has doubled maybe even more. And the black liquid coming out my tailpipe has stopped coming out.

Author:  Reed [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Black liquid = water dirtied by soot in the exhaust. Soot in the exhaust is caused by unburned fuel passing through the engine. A weak electrical system = weak spark = not all fuel is burned = poor fuel economy. Ergo, improving electrical charging system = improving spark = improving combustion = improving fuel economy = no more sooty water.

Sounds like your truck's charging system was barely putting out enough juice to fire the plugs and keep it running. Replacing the voltage regulator brought the alternator input up to the correct levels, making your spark hotter.

Author:  bigandbulky [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dead on, still a little weak, add a couple of other problems. but so far so good. I might paint her this weekend if i have time. Nothing serious just some flat black to cover the mix of faded blue original and gray primer spots from small body repair.

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