Slant Six Forum

ring gap 225
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Author:  kielbasa [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  ring gap 225

whats the prefered ring gap on a .060 over bore? im using NON file to fit sealed power rings. my top ring is at .018, and 2nd ring is at .015. how do these compare to file to fit numbers?

using Sealed Power ZE196X060 rings
using Sealed Power Z244NP60 pistons if that matters

its a stock build, no nitrous or anything fun

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

File fit rings have the two ends of the ring overlapping, and you have to file them to get any gap at all, so there isn't really a comparison. The top ring gap you have might be a little big for that small of a bore size for some people.

Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Normal ring gap on a cast or forged piston is .004" of gap per inch of bore or thereabouts.

Double that for hyper pistons.

Author:  kielbasa [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

ive used file to fit before, quite a few times, and they never were "over lapping". they would have a very small gap, such as a .005 gap. but never over lapping.

and i ment comparison as, what are my numbers compared to what exactly they should be at, that you can get with file to fit.

if i go the route of .004 for each inch of bore (top ring) .01384 (basicly .014)
and .005 for 2nd ring .0173 (basicly .017)

that means each ring is only .001 larger then what the rule of thumb numbers are.

my question is, is there, if any, significant differences in .001 larger then desired #'s

Author:  CNC-Dude [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

All the file fit rings i've used have always been overlapping and needed some slight filing just to get any gap at all. I don't think you will have any negative issues just being slightly over on the gap by a .001 or so. Looser is better tighter anyway.

Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:58 am ]
Post subject: 


that means each ring is only .001 larger then what the rule of thumb numbers are.

my question is, is there, if any, significant differences in .001 larger then desired #'s

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I have used FSM numbers on my stock piston motors. IIRC, my '64 Dart engine (built in 1993 originally, in that car 1996 - 2010) was at the upper limit (0.025" end gaps??). Engine made good power (240-260 HP) for the parts in it!


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