Slant Six Forum

carb id info
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Author:  1970-dart [ Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  carb id info

i have a 1970 dodge dart swinger 225 slant 6 automatic.. the carb started leaking some gas out some small hole in the bottom under the bowl.. So I figure it needs to be rebulit and there are many numebrs on the thing, It has a sticker on it that says remanfactured so i know its not the orginal one.

Numbers i have found on it are model 1920 12r-4285b on the passenger side of the carb and on the face of it above the bowl its says 0592 and 6156

i have racked my brains looking up info and searching numbers while calling parts stores and have come up with a few part numbers for some possible kits but nothing solid enough to move on buying

i did come up with some numbers

borg warner 10392a
wells 533b
tomco 5202b
napa 25461 or 25574

and somebody said echlin had one but i cant cross over that number

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome on the board. "Remanufactured" carburetors tend to be troublesome. Carburetor operation and repair manuals and links to training movies and carb repair/modification threads are posted here for free download. If you want to try to rebuild this carburetor to see if you can get it to stop leaking and work correctly, get a Walker kit number 15519A, and a Walker float number 100-14.

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