Slant Six Forum

Lost piece during Carter BBD rebuild
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Author:  aspen76 [ Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Lost piece during Carter BBD rebuild

So I was rebuilding a Carter BBD that I plan on using for a Super Six conversion and I lost a spring. I don't know exactly what the spring does or how important it is (guessing its important).
This is a picture of the spring that I took when taking it apart

This is a picture of the part that goes on top of the spring

How much damage did I cause by losing this piece and where can I get another one? I was thinking about cruising the local junkyard in hope of finding another Carter BBD but with my luck I probably won't find one.

Also, while I'm posting about this carb I might as well bring this up too. I don't know where the throttle shaft bushings are. I keep reading that they go bad on this carb often, so I wanted to check if it was bad before I rebuilt this but I can't seem to find anything that really helps.
Is this the throttle shaft bushing?
I know that to check if the throttle shaft bushing is bad, you simply wiggle it and see how much it moves. Well this piece moves around the hole a bit but I would think that it should be somewhat loose since it turns the flap.

Thanks for any and all help you guys can give me.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's the accelerator pump plunger drive spring and it needs to be there or your accelerator pump won't work. Walker # 66-15 if you need a new one because you can't find the old one.

The shaft you're looking at is the choke shaft. No worries if it's a little wiggly. The throttle shaft is the one closest to the intake manifold, closest to the very bottom of the (assembled) carburetor. You can't go out and buy replacement carburetor bushings, which don't exist. They're not a separate piece; as delivered from the factory the throttle shaft runs directly on the aluminum of the throttle body. With time and use, the holes get wallered out, admitting extra air that louses up the carburetor calibration. The refurbishment process is to have the throttle body rebushed; see this post.

Here is the Carter BBD operation and repair manual (pdf)

Author:  matv91 [ Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Looked at the carb pile this morning. Not awake yet, but some thing not right. That looks the bowl vent valve spring.One year only 1973. ... /index.htm

Author:  matv91 [ Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:35 am ]
Post subject: ... 0small.pdf Number 19 in this parts list.

Author:  aspen76 [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you both for all your help with this. I just ordered it and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be, being a very specific part.
All in all $0.45 for the spring + $4.00 handling fee + $6.91 for shipping. I feel pretty jipped with a $4 fee to "handle" a spring that weighs so little but whatever, I needed it bad enough.

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