Slant Six Forum

Hesitation off idle
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Author:  63Dart170 [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Hesitation off idle

I'm running a Carter BBD off of a 1976 Dodge Truck 318.

On Saturday, I got the metering rods and the accelerator pump adjusted quite close to stock specs, and my car was running quite nicely. I also advanced the timing a bit (by ear by loosening the bolt and turning the distributor a bit)

On Sunday, I started it, and it had a hesitation right off idle - even after it warmed up, and I didn't change a thing. It was somewhat cooler and more humid - I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

So I made adjustments to both the metering rod lever and the accelerator pump, but it doesn't seem to make the hesitation completely go away. I did put the distributor back where it was on Saturday.

Any ideas what I should do to get rid of the hesitation? It's more noticeable if I step on it harder - which is a bit scary if I'm pulling onto a busy highway.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

With the engine off look down the carb and activate the throttle. How much of a pump shot do you see squirting down the throat?

It needs to be a very strong shot of gas to eliminate the bog off idle.

How much initial timing do you run? 6 degrees or more?

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