Slant Six Forum

61 slant 6 running poorly, need mechanic
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Author:  fausbear [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  61 slant 6 running poorly, need mechanic

My 1961 225 slant 6 starts hard & runs rough, rich and crappy. I've had the engine tuned, the 2bbl carb rebuilt, the valves adjusted and the compression checked. My mechanic is at a loss, he's a chevy guy. I need to know if there is a garage/mechanic in the Phoenix/Mesa area of Arizona who is good with slant 6's. I need this to run right & I want to do future modifications to it.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it runs rich, then the carburetor's probably got problems, "rebuild" or no "rebuild".

Carburetor operation and repair manuals and links to training movies and carb repair/modification threads are posted here for free download. You may wind up needing a new carburetor. 1961 slant-6s didn't come with 2bbl carburetors, so we need to know exactly what kind of carburetor you have and how it has been adapted to your 1961 engine and (presumably) car. Photos will help. Tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this thread. And if your mechanic couldn't get the carburetor right, then the valve adjustment is also suspect. Get the three books described in this thread as soon as you can and start reading.

Meanwhile, help us help you; give us (a lot) more details plee-uz.

Author:  fausbear [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

The engine is the original 61 slant 6. The 2bbl & manifolds came from a 1976 Dodge Diplomat super six set up.
The maniflods, carb & all were cleaned & checked for cracks, etc, the carb was rebuilt & car was tuned to factory specs my mechanic got from a website, Allpar I believe. Not sure of the age of the timing chain, I know that can be a problem.
Once the engine has run for about 10 minutes, it works fine, but during that 10 minutes it runs so rough it shakes the car & spits & sputters black. You can't give it too much throttle or it bogs badly & if you try to just let it idle too soon it just dies.
I really like my mechanic but he's given up, he thinks Mopars are a step child.
I was just hoping someone would know a good Mopar mechanic in the area.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

car was tuned to factory specs my mechanic got from a website, Allpar I believe.
Reliable specs are not available on Allpar.
Once the engine has run for about 10 minutes, it works fine, but during that 10 minutes it runs so rough it shakes the car & spits & sputters black.
Your choke system is faulty and/or out of adjustment, and the fact your mechanic doesn't immediately know this from the symptoms means he's not qualified to touch your car. He just doesn't know what he's doing.

Remove the air cleaner and show us some pictures of the carburetor and, especially importantly, the rod running from the top of the carburetor down to a little box on the exhaust manifold, and that little box itself.

Author:  Doc [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Vote #2 that the choke system need work or possibly... some replacement parts.
The "Super Six" (SL6 2 bbl) system uses some special parts and adjustments that need to be there or the choke system will not work correctly.

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