Slant Six Forum

Lets play the carb game...again.
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Author:  JR [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Lets play the carb game...again.

So I got a wild hair and am now swapping carbs back and forth on my daily driver (69 d100 swb) in search of carb nirvana.

60 over
clifford 268 cam (solid lifters)
The head hasn't been ported but I did clean it up and gasket match it, the intake and the headers so they are all the same. Stock size valves.
Offy 4bbl intake
shorty 3x2 headers into single flowmaster (soon to be true duals with bellflowers.
Accel HEI unit
MSD Blaster 2 coil
Cast iron OD 4 speed and 3.23's

For my year round daily driver and the newest vehicle that my wife and I own this thing gets up and goes, can roll down the freeway all day long and is fun to drive.

The first carb I ran was a Carter 400 AFB off a Buick. It worked ok but was old and worn despite being rebuilt.

The second carb I ran was a Eddy 500 that was de-tuned to roughly 400 cfm. It runs good with this carb but is total crap on mileage.

The carb I have on it now is off a 66 Ford 352 and is a 300 cfm 2100 with a 4 to 2 adapter. If it didn't have the notorious internal vacuum leak and wasn't worn at the shaft it would be the magic ticket. My mileage has more than doubled and the performance is awesome! Due to the worn shaft and the vacuum issue it is toast (my buddy gave it to me for free so no big loss).

I am now looking at buying a new carb and need to decide what one I need. What do you guys thing about a 2300 350 cfm Holley?

New 2300....

Re built 2300...

Or would you go with something else?

I can get a NOS Stromberg WWC off a 64 361 #3-242B for pretty cheap but I am not sure on the cfm rating on this carb and would really like to just bolt on a new spiffy carb and go!




The black breather was just on to plug the hole at the time.

Author:  mopar_nocar [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ran that carb in a 65 barracuda. I was really pleased with the performance, but I can't comment on its fuel economy as I was always going somewhere fast!


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  You can...

Swap carbs all day long and not get where you want to be...That cam isn't going to be happy with 3.23's propelling a big hunk of iron brick down the road in get the engine in the torqueband the rear should be about a 3.91...then your mileage will level out (throttle plate position won't be open as much and you start to save some gas).

I'd use the 500cfm Eddy with better rear gearing...or a Holley 390 cfm.

How's your timing curve?


Author:  Fopar [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is that a mid 50's Olds in the driveway??


Author:  JR [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Right now all I have is a extra set of 3.55's in the garage.

So you think I should just leave the eddy on there instead of going with a new "big" 2300 2bbl? As soon as I installed the 2100 my mileage and performance both improved.

Yup, it's my 56 Super Holiday 88 Deluxe (snazzy way of saying "4 door hard top with some chrome"). Rebuilt 324 rocket (240 hp 4bbl dual exhaust). I am doing the floors in it right now then installing some dual quad headlights and building a full custom based off of Dennis Reinero's Gene Winfield built Olds except I put a 57 Buick grill in it.

The full custom 48 chevy aerosedan with the, narrowed 59 impala dash, narrowed 56 caddu front bumper and tri-weber slant is in the garage.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm votin' Stromburg.

Author:  JR [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject: 


Do you know what the cfm rating on that stromberg is?

Bet you can't guess where I was sniffing around the carb section today looking up part numbers!
Ray said you were going to be in the shop tomorrow, bout what time? I'm off work at 2:30 and can be there in 5-10 mins.

If you are going to be in town on Saturday June 9th Nikkis club (Helles Belles Seattle) and my club (Seattle Taildraggers) will be putting on a potluck/tailgater/bbq at OCPNW. It is geared more towards older stuff and hot rods but it is open to all makes and models and it would be cool to have some slants other than mine and Nikkis there.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Yep...

As soon as I installed the 2100 my mileage and performance both improved.
That tells me that your secondaries are opening too soon and wasting gas...glue a dime to the counterweight to delay it opening and see if you get the same result as putting the 2 barrel on. How much vacc are you pulling at idle and cruise?

I would also recommend the 3.55 as a start, but that is still a tall ratio in OD...(works OK for 3200 lb cars).


Author:  Mroldfart2u [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Yup, it's my 56 Super Holiday 88 Deluxe (snazzy way of saying "4 door hard top with some chrome"). Rebuilt 324 rocket (240 hp 4bbl dual exhaust). I am doing the floors in it right now then installing some dual quad headlights and building a full custom based off of Dennis Reinero's Gene Winfield built Olds except I put a 57 Buick grill in it
The full custom 48 chevy aerosedan with the, narrowed 59 impala dash, narrowed 56 caddu front bumper and tri-weber slant is in the garage.

Author:  JR [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

So what if we went with a spiffy new 350cfm Holley AND 3.91 gears? I think now I am just looking for an excuse to buy a new carb....

Author:  Romeo Furio [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm with Dyno-mite Dan on that Stromburg. Damn good carbs. Cool that you found a NOS.

Author:  Romeo Furio [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

OH, I forgot,,(was too excited about that Stromburg) I ran 3.55 with a .068 overdrive and it would lug at speeds around 50 mph. 3.91 would have been a better choice. Check Passion Performance web as he has a chart with different speeds/ratio/tire size. He is also a member here.

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Stromberg is a big block carb. Are the butterflies 1 1/2"?It is probably in the 300-320 cfm tops. I did run one on my Duster for a trip to Oklahoma and back. I got the same MPG's as I did with a 318 sized Holly.

How did you "detune" a 500 AFB to 400?

And that Buick a 340 by chance? I have one off a '67. Same size butterflies as the Hyperpak.

I see an AFR meter in your future.

I wonder why Edelbrock didn't make 3 step metering rods for their tuning kits.

Sounds like you have a bunch of "old rodder" in you!

You "French" headlights and antennaes, chop tops too?

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

The 2bbl Holley id rebuilt? Might be the ticket. Lots of tuning options with a Holley.


Author:  emsvitil [ Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wonder why Edelbrock didn't make 3 step metering rods for their tuning kits.

Actually, the one's I've seen are an infinity step metering rod............

The lean section tapers to the rich section, so when you're in a transistion state it varies........

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