Slant Six Forum

Does anyone sell a complete exhaust system kit '74 Dart 225?
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Author:  phogroian [ Tue May 01, 2012 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Does anyone sell a complete exhaust system kit '74 Dart 225?

I'm looking for a stock Slant Six system from a 1974 Dart. Are all the kits out there for V8s only? Searches are coming up empty- it's hard to believe that an exhaust system is not available "off the shelf" considering most of the Darts out there still have the Slant Six in them.

Author:  Mroldfart2u [ Tue May 01, 2012 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I to have had the same luck as you, even tried the old stand-by of J.C.Whittney, and had 0 results. Havw you had/called a local muffler/exhaust shop to see the cost of building your exhaust system? Maybe what will have to be done, but if you are like me you hate giving money to someone for a task that is easy doable @ home with the right parts. I havent tried looking @ any of the restoration/parts/suppliers sights to see if they offer a kit for the slant. But all the 'norm' places seem to think it has to have a v-8. Be patient, maybe one of the older hands around here will jump in and help you.

Author:  bcschief [ Tue May 01, 2012 8:57 am ]
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Try here

Author:  Nongan [ Tue May 01, 2012 8:59 am ]
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I just cut my stock exhaust off my '70, it's factory and I only had to cut it off in front of the muffler to get it out of the car, it's in CeeJ's possession, if you are interested shoot him a pm. It's pretty new, the muffler is nearly brand new and the two pipes are only a couple years old.

I had my 2.25 inch exhaust done by a shop for 175, flange to tail, I supplied the muffler, the rest was pipe, flange and labor, it only took about an hour.

I would really recommend while you have it apart to step up the pipe diameter just a little, for less restriction. The factory pipe was severely undersized, you will see better mileage and more power by going up to a 2" or a 2.25" pipe


Author:  Valleyant [ Tue May 01, 2012 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does anyone sell a complete exhaust system kit '74 Dart

I'm looking for a stock Slant Six system from a 1974 Dart. Are all the kits out there for V8s only? Searches are coming up empty- it's hard to believe that an exhaust system is not available "off the shelf" considering most of the Darts out there still have the Slant Six in them.
Give Waldrons exhaust a try....I have used their products on my '72 Valiant and am very satisfied.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue May 01, 2012 10:08 am ]
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Why do you want to keep having too-small pipes? The factory used the tiny pipes they did for one reason only: small pipe cost them less than appropriately large pipe.

Author:  phogroian [ Tue May 01, 2012 12:37 pm ]
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I hear ya, Dan... in fact, I would like to go up in pipe diameter. I believe the one on my '65 valiant is a puny 1.5", and the '74 has maybe a 1.75" diameter pipe. 2" or 2 1/4" sounds good to me. That kit from Accurate Exhaust products is pricey, but it looks vety nice. Thanks for the link.

Author:  phogroian [ Tue May 01, 2012 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Valleyant, thanks for the Waldrons information, also. Neither of these two companies came up in my web search. ... 65d8294175

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue May 01, 2012 2:05 pm ]
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But I mean why order (and ship) exhaust pipes instead of going to a competent local custom exhaust shop?

Author:  Nongan [ Tue May 01, 2012 2:42 pm ]
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But I mean why order (and ship) exhaust pipes instead of going to a competent local custom exhaust shop?
+1 Dan

I had to look around a while to find a good exhaust shop, but when I did the price was right and the quality of the product is amazing.

Author:  phogroian [ Tue May 01, 2012 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I figured that custom bending at a shop would cost more. I'll try to find a good shop and get a quote.

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