Slant Six Forum

Check out my DIY Electronic Ignition for the '66 Dart :)
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Author:  1966DartConvertible [ Tue May 08, 2012 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Check out my DIY Electronic Ignition for the '66 Dart :)

Rite now im just gonna use the points as the trigger but im sure this can be develop further to use magnetic pickup etc. later.

Here are some pictures, before installation:



This will eventually be painted and attached to the inner fender.

What do you think? :)


Author:  ceej [ Tue May 08, 2012 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

It looks very pretty! :D

What is the switched voltage across the points? I'd guess 5v or less. I ran a set of points across an electronic system for almost ten years at 5 volts. Makes them last a long time. Have you tested the wave form with an O-scope? Could work very well.

Did you build it from a kit?


Author:  1966DartConvertible [ Tue May 08, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

It looks very pretty! :D

What is the switched voltage across the points? I'd guess 5v or less. I ran a set of points across an electronic system for almost ten years at 5 volts. Makes them last a long time. Have you tested the wave form with an O-scope? Could work very well.

Did you build it from a kit?

Yeah its a kit, bought years ago in Perth, Australia for like A$80 but never got the chance to build/install it. I think its at least 5 yrs old. But hopefully all works well. Will keep u updated once fitted.


Author:  1966DartConvertible [ Wed May 09, 2012 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

If all goes well, I should be installing this baby on Sunday. Will keep you guys posted :)


Author:  1966DartConvertible [ Sun May 13, 2012 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

As promised...

Here are a couple of pictures, painted, and installed on RH inner fender.


Runs like a charm, very smooth and I can feel theres more mid-range torque. Im very happy with the results.


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