Slant Six Forum

Slant Six helper monkey available in the Portland, OR area!
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Author:  Brothercactus [ Thu May 31, 2012 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant Six helper monkey available in the Portland, OR area!

I recently moved into the Portland area and am interested in the slant six. I bought my 67 Valiant around 2 years ago. Before that I didn't know anything about cars. Now, I'm completely into my wheels and i've been doing my own maintenance, but my experience is limited.

If anybody in the Portland area has a Slant project going, or some major Slant maintenance to do, i wanna help. I need the info and experience and maybe somebody wouldn't mind the help. I can at least stand around handing somebody wrenches. My schedule is currently wide open too! since i just moved here and haven't landed a job yet.

I have a lot of my basics together. Past that though, I don't know a whole lot about working on cars. I'm generally pretty good at figuring stuff out, if you show me something i'll probably get it.

If you're interested, maybe send me a PM so we can exchange numbers and talk about your project. Maybe i can send you my resume if you suspect i'm a flake or something :lol:

Thank ya much

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