Slant Six Forum

No fuel through pump.. Cam?
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Author:  Groovin65 [ Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  No fuel through pump.. Cam?

Quick background: 225 was recently rebuilt by myself. Machined the block .40 over, new cam, balanced crank 20/20, new internals minus rods (had them balanced) and push rods. Fuel pump is new, sending unit is new as well as filters.

Had a few small carb issues and gas coming back out of the filler when trying to fill up. Got them worked out minus the gas issue.

Yesterday while driving she ran out of gas. Went and got 2 gallons and cranked. Nothin. I cranked for a while but she didnt even try.

Pulled the line off the fuel filter-DRY
Pulled line off fuel pump DRY (both ends)

This morning I pulled gas to the pump via mouth and connected and cranked. Nothin. Still bone dry on the exit side. Pump is new but pulled it off and pushed it up and let go- Stream of gas out the exit.

Is my cam worn out already?! It hasnt made it to the 500 mile marker for oil change. However pre initial startup I had some carb issues and she was cranked quite a bit. Had lube on cam but maybe pre mature failure?

One last thing was my gas cap seal is shot, she's driven fine up till now but thought id throw that out there just in case its causing a vent issue?

Any ideas would be appreciated. :oops:

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:25 am ]
Post subject: 

How long has the car been sitting?
Could be crud blocking the pick up in the tank.

If a test only........
Try installing a short fuel line to the pump and put the other end in a small gas can full of gas and see if it will pump up and fill the filter or fire.....

In other words bypass your existing tank lines.

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