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orange box internal wiring
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Author:  john grady [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  orange box internal wiring

anyone have a schematic of internal wiring of Chrysler boxes and or HEI? Saw it here once, trying to do something new

Author:  KBB_of_TMC [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:28 am ]
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When my orange box failed @ 2K mi, I tried to take it apart to find out what was inside - it was very messy and the potting material foiled me. The only thing I could say for certain was that the big transistor tested fine. I did a quick survey around our car show of guys with orange boxes - about 1/2 had used theirs for many years w/o problems, about 1/2 had gone through a number of orange boxes. I always carry a spare ignition box, just in case.

Author:  ValiantBoyWonder [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: ... ht=#352352
half way down.

I used hei diagram and ecu diagram and starred at it for at least an hour.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:34 am ]
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I wonder how often a poor equipment ground (grounding of component’s chasses) is the cause of short lived orange boxes?

Author:  KBB_of_TMC [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

While I can't speak for others, my orange box was very well grounded when it failed - I'd put 1/4-20 rivnuts in to ensure a very solid ground to the firewall. I imagine the internal schematics of the Mopar orange box are considered proprietary. There was an article in a recent magazine (Mopar

I heard claims years ago that the NAPA boxes were quite good - I don't know if that's true anymore. Standard is replacing their top-of-the-line US-made Blue Streak with rather shoddy looking Chinese stuff and told me that they're phasing out Blue Streak. FBO has a new digital w/ rev limiter box out.

I've also seen (factory) HEI and (factory & aftermarket) Ford boxes just up and die w/o warning as you're driving along; the latter ground through the harness.

Author:  john grady [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:40 pm ]
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One thing I have learned is that " hot coils " may have lower ohms than stock, or low ohm ballast resistor will increase current beyond design level popping the box. If your transistor is hot enough you cannot hold it you have this. Also some people say get rid of ballast.if you do that you buy boxes. Hooking up wiring wrong at ignition switch can hurt it too..the two smaller wires have to be on correct tabs on switch....have seen that swapped a few times by accident if someone replaced plug due to burning-- with loose terminals. Starter bypass setup also a culprit if 12v fed in there it bypasses ballast resistor. wiring on starter relay or ign switch has to be exactly right.

Someone must have this print it was on here once? Am EE trying to hook box to points with adapter board ; can be done but need to look at input circuit of orange box.

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