Slant Six Forum

High idle setting
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Author:  MLC Duster [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  High idle setting

I've had to replace my carb with a remanufactured one. I know I know -- they are crap. My original was damaged beyond rebuilding. Anyway, the carb works great except on startup when cold (it's a Holley 1945). I press the accelerator once, it sets the choke, start her up on first try always, but it roars and idles way too fast! The choke plate gets pulled away during warm up (fairly quickly actually) but the idle never goes down. If I bump the throttle with my foot it will go down. I've tried the fast idle screw in and out. Screwing it in really makes it fast idle and prevents me from getting it down even with the throttle bump. I tried using the manual to adjust obviously without success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Buggered-up linkage and levers are one of the many common problems with "remanufactured" carburetors. There's a reason they have a rotten reputation. If you're bound and determined to go that way, take it back and exchange it. Keep exchanging it til you get one that kinda mostly works, or until you get tired of exchanging it and seek to go in a different direction.

Author:  Reed [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like it could be a combination of a fast idle screw turned in too far and the choke to fast idle cam linkage being too long. I would try bending the loop int the fast idle cam linkage to shorten it up. THis should have the effect up putting a higher step under the fast idle screw when the choke is closed on first cold startup. As the motor warms and the choke open, it will also keep the lower steps underneath the fast idle screw to prevent an "all-or-nothing" fast idle situation. If this cures your problem you will definitely have to reduce your fast idle RPM.

Look up how to adjust the fast idle linkage in the carburetor repair manual found HERE.

Try that first, but Dan is also right- you might have to keep returning that carb until you find one that will work for you.

The dwindling supply of decent carbs is one of my main motivators for adapting Ford MAF fuel injection to the slant six.

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