Slant Six Forum

relay for VR and ignition
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Author:  mcnoople [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  relay for VR and ignition

I was wondering how much actual current the isolated field voltage regulator required. Is it a very low amp voltage sense input? Is there any reason to not use the same relay to power the VR and a HEI module? Would the ignition module put out too much electrical noise for the charging system to function properly? I wouldn't expect it to, but I know many people have ran into unexpected wierd issues when redesigning their electrical systems. Thanks in advance.

Author:  WagonsRcool [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you get a GOOD quality 30A relay, it should work fine for both VR & ign. (I'm sure SSDan has reccomendations for an appropriate unit)

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