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1966 Dart emergency flasher (hazard lights) diagram?
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Author:  JR [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  1966 Dart emergency flasher (hazard lights) diagram?

I recently found this as is sitting on the floor of a 66 Dart in a local yard and want to install it in my wife's 66 Dart. Anyone have the diagram or know what wires go where?

Wires that need to be hooked up...




-Then there is a black wire with a inline fuse that looks like the terminal should goto the fuse block somewhere.

-Also I am guessing that it is left empty but the "P" (top center) of the flasher has no wire going to it.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like it was cut. :-( Originally it had two plastic rectangular multi-terminal connectors. The car's turn signal switch connectors (column side and dash side) were unplugged from each other, and one of the hazard switch harness' connectors was plugged into each of the two turn signal switch connector halves. Some of the wires were "pass through" from one side to the other. I have one of these in complete condition, but it's in Michigan. I'll try to have it dug up and scrutinized for you.

Author:  65 dartman [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Looks like it was cut. :-( Originally it had two plastic rectangular multi-terminal connectors. The car's turn signal switch connectors (column side and dash side) were unplugged from each other, and one of the hazard switch harness' connectors was plugged into each of the two turn signal switch connector halves.
I've got one from a 66 Dart I parted out years ago and it's just as Dan described. It looked pretty simple to duplicate so I fabbed up another one for a 65 Coronet I had and located an original switch and bezel. They work great. I'll see if I can take a picture of the one I fabbed later today.

Author:  mcnoople [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Years back I pulled one out of a 65 valiant. It was complete with the connectors. I have always wondered about the origins of it. Are they dealer installed, factory installed, or vintage non chrysler in origin? I don't remember seeing any mention of the hazard switch in a 1966 plymouth wiring diagram.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dealer-installed, supplied by Chrysler.

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