Slant Six Forum

Trial by fire.
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Author:  Purple Valiant [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Trial by fire.

I have had this Valiant for 6 days now and I love it.
3 days after picking up my '63 V100 I tracked down an oil leak to the oil pump cover plate. Needless to say, short of actually pulling the engine there is no easy way to put that seal in. Without a manual (or engine hoist) I bumbled through but man, it was an exercise. Once I realized what I needed to do (and said, "really?" about a thousand times) it wasn't that bad.
After getting the car up on ramps I pulled the distributor, fuel pump and oil filter. Loosened the driver side motor mount, removed the bolt on the passenger side mount and jacked the motor up. Much better but still very tight. Laying completely under the car and reaching up through the suspension was the only way to get the proper angle. The old seal came out in pieces. No wonder it leaked.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good work. Bet your engine mounts are (over)due for replacement. Get these ones.

Author:  Purple Valiant [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good work. Bet your engine mounts are (over)due for replacement.

Hey thanks Dan. I was pleased to find they are reasonably new. Lots of new steering and suspension parts too. Whoever had this car before the kid I got it from was big on maintenance. Other than loose bolts I haven't found anything seriously troubling.
Super simple machine. I am amazed by the combination of fuel economy and power. I already like it better than my '62 Econoline.

After review, I realize this should have been posted under "Engine". oops.

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