Slant Six Forum

Rewiring for Underhood Relay/fusebox
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Author:  Josh P [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Rewiring for Underhood Relay/fusebox

Last weekend I installed an HEI in my '66 Dart, I love it except it has me thinking more about power distribution and wiring under the hood.

Goals are simple:
-Fairly stock look
-Hide (within reason) as much non-stock items as possible
-Clean up some of the madness under the hood

So my plan is to find a small relay/fuse/power distribution box to mount between the grill and radiator support on the passenger side. The location was chosen because it seems mildly accessible yet not many will provide a stock look (at least at first glace). Would require a short run from the alternator and follow the headlight wires through the radiator support. Utilizing 3-5 relays for various items (HEI, headlights, etc), a nice large fuse to protect my car from the 120A alternator, and a few smaller fuses for various things under the hood.

So now I need some sanity checks and advice. Anyone done this for a stock-ish look before? Any tips on concealing routing or fusebox selections (something small and compact)? What kinds of things would be smart to fuse and what would benefit from relays? What about my fusebox location, is this a bad idea, being right up front to get hit by a rock or is it a bad idea to mount a fusebox vertically? Weather proofing?

Author:  65 dartman [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd be interested in this info as well.

Author:  bbbbbb9 [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:42 am ]
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If you look through this Electrical Section of the forum, you'll see there are a bunch of us doing similar things. I think when it's all said and done, a bunch of minds could get together and prepare a sticky thread about this subject.

Author:  KenUSA [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I used a fuse relay panel out of a late 90 Crown Vic for awhile. It's roughly 5x5x5, has a vertical mounting bracket, several fuse and relay positions and a weatherproof cover. It might suit you well.

Author:  Nomad [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:45 am ]
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Oops, bumped an old thread yesterday as I didn't see this one. My bad.

Will do the hei upgrade this winter, so I'd be interested knowing what neat & easy-to-install fuse/relay box option we have, too :)

Did a little searching… Looks like Bussmann's boxes are quite popular.
Has anyone ever installed one of these on their slant?

Author:  64ragtop [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Google search for "bussmann auto fuse box" brings up lots of hits. Links to Amazon, and that links to several different makers. I like the Blue Sea and Hella boxes because they have more weather resistant covers. The one from the Ford mounts neatly and looks good, but I'd find one from a late model MOPAR! Just the kinda guy I am....

I would really like to have separate main and accessory busses, and the boxes I saw were single buss.



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