Slant Six Forum

Looking at a 65 Barracuda
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Author:  crater [ Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Looking at a 65 Barracuda


I will be checking out a 65 slant six Barracuda this weekend. Engine has been supposedly rebuilt, and they did a nice job of repainting and cleaning the engine all up. Anything besides obvious rust that I should look for when I go to check it out and test drive it.

I'm looking to keep the six in a good condition, use it as a regular driver as I fix up the rest of the car. Maybe do one of the cheap low boost turbo builds I saw for some low end boost for milage. Currently driving a 2010 Challenger R/T so getting anything around that milage or more will be fine with me.

Any obviously wrong behavior when driving to look out for?

Here are some shots of it:




Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

It looks good in the photos (Brand X style black engine bay aside :wink:) . Because it shows signs of changes, look to see the extent and quality of the modifications.

The valve cover is from a later car. Not good or bad, but it may indicate an engine swap. Electronic ignition module - good.

Stock-looking radiator. How old is it?

There's an AC evaporator, but I dont' see a compressor.

I don't think Rallye wheels were available in '65. They do look good. What is the wheel bolt pattern? 4" or 4.5"? Single-pot master cylinder. Have the brakes been upgraded?

Besides rust (look everywhere you possibly can!), check the condition of suspension bushings, ball joints, steering components, brake parts ...

Sorry, just random thoughts on a nice looking car.

Author:  crater [ Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

No apologies! I appreciate every word. I'm new to the slant six world so this all helps me. Thats what I want the car for is to just get deep in all of this. Get my hands dirty the way you can't in a modern car.

According to the seller "new brakes, wheel cylinders, brake lines, Rebuilt front end, all new bushings, ball joints, tie rod ends, new water pump, all new coolant hoses, new engine mounts, Rebuilt carburetor, new hoses, thermostat. new front section carpet
factory air conditoner (parts are in trunk need re-installation)"

So that may indicate where the compressor is for the AC as well as the condition of everything else.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:40 am ]
Post subject: 

factory air conditoner (parts are in trunk need re-installation)"

So that may indicate where the compressor is for the AC as well as the condition of everything else.
If you get the car, contact me prior to doing anything with the A/C. Depending on what you want, I can offer some options.

Author:  kesteb [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks like it has had a "three on the tree" change over to a floor shifter. Is it a 3 speed or 4 speed car now?

Author:  Danarchy [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Used Cars :lol: Funny Movie! :lol:

Author:  Mroldfart2u [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Damn I havent seen that one in years, search time for on line watching... SURELY I can find it somewhere on line...... :wink: :wink: :wink:

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:26 am ]
Post subject: 

No apologies! I appreciate every word. I'm new to the slant six world so this all helps me. Thats what I want the car for is to just get deep in all of this. Get my hands dirty the way you can't in a modern car.
What are they asking for the car? Early A bodies don't bring big money.

Author:  crater [ Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:10 am ]
Post subject: 

He wanted 4,200. I went to look at it after being told runs great and no leaks and that it was okay to come take it for a spin to find it in much different condition.

Atleast the radiator was leaking. It didn't seem to idle correctly, tho once running it did sound nice. No bad rust, just a few spots where a ding had been exposed for a while. Was stock 1 bbl carb, but it appeared to be leaking down on to the manifold.. and it caused it to rust so it had a bad tank of gas in a bad gas tank. Tires were shot and he said he didn't feel comfortable with me driving it unless I for sure needed to, suggested towing it home if i bought it.

He had zero paper work on what had been done in the car, his uncle owned a storage yard and the owner didn't pay the storage fees for a long time so the uncle took possession. They did it all legally and held the title as well as paid all the past dmv fees so to register it would have only been 115.. so that was on the up and up.

He wouldn't budge on price so I said thank you and left. I was very disappointed. If he would have gone down I may have still bought it, but i've seen better condition ones going for cheaper. He acted like it was a turn key great collector's car.. Only certain people even like the old ones, especially the SL6. If it were a 70s car sure it could have been a good deal.. but he was delusional.

All well, start my hunt for another car.

Author:  ESP47 [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Good choice on walking. That's a decent looking car but slant six cars don't normally go for $4200 if they have to be towed home.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

That car in that condition with those particular headaches associated with getting it (tires, non-running, license hassles) is TOPS a $1k car. That guy has been watching too much Barrett Jackson if he thinks he is going to find some sucker to pay $4,200 for it.

Author:  64ragtop [ Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

That car in that condition with those particular headaches associated with getting it (tires, non-running, license hassles) is TOPS a $1k car. That guy has been watching too much Barrett Jackson if he thinks he is going to find some sucker to pay $4,200 for it.
Well, whether P.T. Barnum said it or not, it's still worthy quoting:
Ther/s a sucker born every minute.
I'm just glad our pal crater wasn't one this time!



Author:  crater [ Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks everyone. "Momma didn't raise no fool." as they say.

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