Slant Six Forum

Seat belts
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Author:  NORM [ Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Seat belts

Were seat belts included in 1961 valiants?

Author:  Dart270 [ Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Norm,

I think they were optional, and almost certainly not standard. The car may have the threaded bolt holes for them in the front, but not the back.

You might consider the late 90s Sebring convertible seat swap? That gets you comfy seats for long rides and shoulder belts built into the seat. You do have really solidly mount the seats so that they could absorb larger shocks from the belts/person in a wreck. I just did this on my '64 Valiant cruiser and am very happy.

Happy holidays!


Author:  NORM [ Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Lou I will be on the lookout for some blue seats like you suggested or maybe gray would look ok.

Author:  64ragtop [ Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Norm,

I think they were optional, and almost certainly not standard. The car may have the threaded bolt holes for them in the front, but not the back.
That's how our '62 Plymouth Fury came. I had to bug the heck out of my dad, then he agreed to buy them if I would install 'em. I did that, but I don't think Dad ever put his on
You might consider the late 90s Sebring convertible seat swap? That gets you comfy seats for long rides and shoulder belts built into the seat. You do have really solidly mount the seats so that they could absorb larger shocks from the belts/person in a wreck. I just did this on my '64 Valiant cruiser and am very happy.
I'm using Dodge Dakota seats, on top of the original seat bases in the 64ragtop, but they need to be 3" or more lower so I don't have to crane my neck to see under the windshield header. Two point belts with retractors came in my car, and I really want three point harnesses. I'll have to check on those Sebring seats, and plenty of reinforcement to the floor if they come about. I've thought about putting the third mounting point behind the door and below the window. Wonder if there's room in there for reinforcement without blocking the rear window.

Thanks for a great thread Norm, and the info, Lou!

ATB and Merry Christmas to all


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