Slant Six Forum

o2 sensor kits to calibrate carb
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Author:  Pierre [ Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  o2 sensor kits to calibrate carb

There are a few of these out there that come with a meter to tell you if your running rich/lean. Has anyone ever used these? Any thoughts? Was pondering getting one to help me tune the carb.

Author:  60Pioneer [ Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I did a really quick web serch and came up with this link. :idea:

From what I understand, these meters are pretty simple to make with Radio Shack parts. You can pick up the sensor from your local salvage yard. If you're going "bucks-up", you can buy one from Summit Racing for $100 or so. Either way, it's a good way to set up your carb. Keep in mind that the O2 sensor needs heat in order to work. I'm putting mine near my header collector and I'm not 100% sure it will get hot enough to work properly. With a cast iron manifold, I'd suggest poking it in the downpipe immediately after the manifold.


Author:  Pierre [ Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  sensor

Oh yea heh I know you can get your own sensor and measure its output in any way you'd like. Making a voltmeter is simple, that guy uses too much hardware it'd be easier to use a microcontroller. See, my deg (or soon to be) in Computer Engineering has taught me to make nifty things, at least ;)

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