Slant Six Forum

Crane cam opinions
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Author:  SlantSteve [ Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Crane cam opinions

I have a NOS Crane cam that I have never really heard any reports about.I don't have the part number in front of me,but the spec card has the following info;
Valve lift .405"/405" .
Cam timing at .014"
Intake 19 BTDC/ 61 ABDC
Exhaust 63 BBDC/17 ATDC
Cam timing at .050"
Intake ( -8 ) ATDC/ 26 ABDC max lift 107 ATDC
Exhaust 36 BBDC/( -18 ) BTDC max lift 117 BTDC
valve setting .022" and .024"
Smooth idle daily usage,light towing etc.
Its obviously a very mild cam(is the stock 2bbl cam much different?),my intention was to use it as a core to regrind but I am interested to hear if anyone may have used this grind with any success or have any opinions on running this grind in a mild street engine? Thanks guys

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