Slant Six Forum

Recommend an engine builder in the Albuquerque area
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Author:  ggplant [ Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Recommend an engine builder in the Albuquerque area

Anyone know of an Albuquerque area shop that rebuilds a good 225 SL6? Because the original '64 Dart 270 engine has a foot long (!) crack in the block, I'm getting a complete used mid '60s motor and paying someone to rebuild it. Before you ask, I don't have the space to do it myself. It'd be a "why is there a motor on the kitchen table, dad?" scene. The Dart is an automatic, btw.

My taste runs towards original over performance, so I am looking for a high quality job with modest upgrades, not a balls to the wall hi-perf deal.
The local Mopar place, Six Pack, quoted $2,000 at least and really I got the impression it would be waaaay more than that.
A-Reliable quoted me $995.00, which is the right price, but I don't know them from Adam. Sounded nice enough. Guy says he built six 225s in 2012, mostly out of D100s....

If you can tip me to an ABQ-area builder that stands out from the rest in terms of quality, price, and familiarity with/passion for sixties-vintage cars, I'd be grateful.


Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

It's hard for me see how anyone can do a quality SL6 rebuild for $995.00... unless it's a simple "rings, bearings, gaskets & spraypaint" type of overhaul.

Author:  ggplant [ Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 

includes machining crank, bore/oversize pistons, the works. It seems cheap at 995.00, but the guy did describe a complete rebuild for that price.
What would you expect a thorough SL6 rebuild to run, DD?

Thanks for the input.

Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

In the SF Bay Area, it's closer to the $2000.00 quote you got.

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