Slant Six Forum

Alternator hitting horn and other news
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Author:  Chetterhead [ Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternator hitting horn and other news

Hey guys, it's been a good long while since I've posted anything, so I thought it was time for an update.

First, I have to ask... what do I do about the fact that I just noticed that my alternator is apparently contacting (or has contacted) the horn, and worn a small notch in it. I don't know why it's that close, or what to do about it, but the belt is where it needs to be tension wise. ?

Also, switched to NGK's from the total crap I had in before, and man, what a difference they made! It's practically purring!! I'd had some vac leak issues, but I swapped to a different 1920 and things are going great.

Have a good one!

Author:  64DartGT [ Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Which NGK plugs are you running? I plan to change my plugs soon and want to go to a better plug, also washer or no washer on the plug. I read on one post its best not to use the washer on certain yet model heads?

Author:  Sprag [ Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternator hitting horn and other news

.......alternator is apparently contacting (or has contacted) the horn, and worn a small notch in it. I don't know why it's that close, or what to do about it,
I'd first suspect a failed driver's side motor mount that allows engine to roll over to pass side contacting horn or whatever is there.

Author:  Chetterhead [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I've got the NGK 6630's in there. My block is from 85 and the head is 81, so the plugs come out of the box and go right in the engine. I believe it's the pre 75 engines that you have to worry about the crush washer with.

As far as the alt contacting... it's a nice little mystery. I only see two mounts, one on either side of the motor. If there's more, please let me know! The rubber is worn out pretty well on both sides, but not falling apart or anything, and the bolts are good. I would call it solid if it weren't for this issue.

One thing is can say is that I do appear to have a big engine. I'm used to it, because I see it all the time, but other gear heads always mention it's size seeming large for a slant. Obviously it's not a huge difference, but I have had some fun trying to get preformed hoses and things (which have been recommended here) to fit correctly with my stock radiator. I wonder if it IS a little larger than a stock engine would've been, and is throwing things off just enough to be a pain in the ass.

I have a double pulley alt, but I don't need both, and the empty one is what's contacting, so I'll probably end up swapping it for something that won't.

The motor will eventually get pulled and I'll replace my mounts (and seal up about forty leaks), but for now, I'm really enjoying it starting smooth.

Author:  Sprag [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

........As far as the alt contacting... it's a nice little mystery. I only see two mounts, one on either side of the motor. If there's more, please let me know! The rubber is worn out pretty well on both sides, but not falling apart or anything, and the bolts are good. I would call it solid if it weren't for this issue........
If the rubber looks worn out, it just might be worn out :D .
I solved the mystery on mine (non-slant) with a simple 'dynamic' test of the LT engine mount by gently throttle on/off foot-breaking the car in gear while a helper watched the alternator/fender apron area.

You should find three rubber-isolated mounts in there somewhere, two on the engine and one at rear of trans.

Author:  wjajr [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:32 am ]
Post subject: 

If the rubber looks old, cracked, or shows sagging it is time for new mounts, as that engine is walking all around in the bay every time you accelerate, and brake.

What year and make is your car? The early cars had less elbow room in engine compartment than the later cars, and real bad engine mounts can allow engine to slide ahead enough to make fan contact with radiator.

Author:  Chetterhead [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll take a look at the tranny mount, because I had no clue there was one back there. That's mostly due to the fact that the car's lowered a bit, so I hardly get to poke around under there. It takes a bit more doing than just laying down and looking.

It's a 65 Dart (don't know if it's a 170 or 270 - would love to know how to figure that out if anyone knows) with an 85 block and an 81 cylinder head. One thing I can say for it is that it's painted light blue. I know there are some instances where you can ID an engine's source by the color, so maybe light blue tips someone off? Anybody?

I can say that it's not SO bad that it's sliding forward. You'd have to get the thing up to freeway speed before it would be contacting, and even then, I'm not sure whether it's still contacting, or this was an old issue that has since been resolved. The horn housing doesn't seem to grind down to shiny metal, thereby giving me an indication of recent rubbing. It's the same color all the way through the rut.

At the moment, the big jerk has decided to overheat, which is likely a blockage, so I've got other things to worry about now. Gee, that sure was nice having a week or so where my car ran great ;)

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