Slant Six Forum

Slant six to v8?
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Author:  Gjason89 [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant six to v8?

Hi everyone lately I've been having some second touts about my car and was wondering what's possible to put in my car. Well first off its a 1969 dodge dart custom 4 door. It's got a slant six 225 and tranny that both run and are bone stock and would sell . But my point is I want a v8 I was wondering what size v8s can I make fit comfortably like a 318 or 360 or basically the less work and were I can still get GOOD power out of it what would I need we're to get it any tips etc! Thanks everyone for any help!:)

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep...

The 318 would be best for ease of finding one cheap and can be rebuilt cheap (junkyard cop cars had 318- 4 barrel stock with A-727).

They are the same family as the 273/340/360, and with some head scratching you can also use the 5.2/5.9L magnum engines...

That being said with the 2 barrel 318 you will want to:

Get conversion mounts from Schumacher for the 'easy conversion'.
Need a new transmission (need an LA pattern 904/727)
Next step up on torsion bars.
Better brakes (10" drum minimum).
Rear OK if granny driving (drag race it light to light an it's a gonner).

Going for bigger than that (340/360/5.9L)
New rear end- 8.25" or 8.75", or equivalent.
Next step up from those other torsion bars.
Disc Brakes.
New wheels if you go with Discs and a late A-body axle.
Front suspension will need to be in good shape or the
lack of control will subjectively mate you with a phone pole.

You might actually look at the price of the shopping list and look at cars in your area...if it costs you $5000 for the upgrades(and labor), and you can get a car that is already 'upgraded' for the same price, it's better just to buy the car...


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

less work and were I can still get GOOD power out of it what would I need we're to get it any tips etc!
I would just bump up the compression on your SL6 to 9.5 or more, do a distributor recurve and install a super six setup. It will feel better than a stock 318. Mine went from feeling like a slug to a very punchy powerful motor! :D

I know when I went to 9.5 compression with a one barrel it felt way better than some V8's and it gets better mileage! I ran low or mid grade with out detonation.

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