Slant Six Forum

anyone done a slant six Dodge Colt?
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Author:  siquani [ Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  anyone done a slant six Dodge Colt?

My 78 colt is starting to puff a little smoke and I am trying to decide on rebuilding the 1.6 or if it is feasible to drop a 225 in. I guess the biggest issue is would it fit without destroying the firewall?

Author:  GTS225 [ Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone done a slant six Dodge Colt?

My 78 colt is starting to puff a little smoke and I am trying to decide on rebuilding the 1.6 or if it is feasible to drop a 225 in.
Sure, it's feasible. I put a slant into the front of an '81 Challenger. If one adjusts and modifies anything enough, it'll fit.
I guess the biggest issue is would it fit without destroying the firewall?
Um.....No. As in the above mentioned Chally, the firewall is going to have to get bumped back. I might even have concerns about hood clearance in a Colt.

I think it'd be a sweeter deal to find a turbo 2.2 and shoehorn it into that Colt. Now, THAT would be an exciting little car.

Good luck.....Roger

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Slants have been done in a Colt. And one is being built in Texas right now, although I don't think he is worried about the firewall issue!

One of the early slant six cars into the 11's was a Colt from out on the West coast. I believe his name was Jerry Ellard, but don't quote me.


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