Slant Six Forum

fender tag decoding
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Author:  mcnoople [ Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  fender tag decoding

I have a '65 Valiant Signet and a '65 Valiant V100. My question is about the Signet's fender tag. The bottom line of the tag reads as follows: 611 00001 V42. By my understanding the 611 means june 11 and V42 means 2 door hardtop, but what does the 00001 mean. The door panels have dec 64 inkstamped on the back so I don't think it's the first valiant of the year. Does it means it is the 100001 valiant of the year. Or is the number pure b.s. Thanks for any help in advance.

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