Slant Six Forum

exterior gasket renew
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Author:  DadTruck [ Mon May 06, 2013 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  exterior gasket renew

putting a high mount stop light on the 83 D-150

the gasket from the pick a part one that I am using,, had good flexability, but had a fair amount of deterioation on the edges,, a lot of pin holeing.

The only way I could find a new gasket was to buy it as part of the base assembly that also contains the bulb housing,, that was more that I wanted to spend..

I took about a table spoon of black RTV,, mixed in about a teaspoon of mineral spirits, to make a thin paste and brushed on two coats using a small paint brush..
I even re made some of the egde detailing that had weathered away.

the gasket retained good flexability,, the paste mixtured did dry out to be more grey than black,, so I shot a thin coat of SEM flexable plastic spray to finish it off.

looks OK,, I'll see how it holds up.. ... 413364659/

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