Slant Six Forum

New wires? Help
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Author:  Gjason89 [ Sun May 12, 2013 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  New wires? Help

So I have a 1969 dodge dart with a 225 slant six I hope someone is familiar
With it. So I was wondering does anybody know were I can buy the whole setup like a rewire for the whole engine bay. Like to make my self clearer all the conections go to three big clips on the fire wall that then lead to inside of

Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Sun May 12, 2013 3:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Here is one that I believe some of the members of this board have used:

The Search function on this Board works really well. Try a search using the words "new wiring harness" (with quotation marks, which will make the search reveal only posts where those words appear in that order). You'll find lots of resources.

Have fun!

- Mac

Author:  xjarhead [ Sun May 12, 2013 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New wires? Help

So I have a 1969 dodge dart with a 225 slant six I hope someone is familiar
With it. So I was wondering does anybody know were I can buy the whole setup like a rewire for the whole engine bay. Like to make my self clearer all the connections go to three big clips on the fire wall that then lead to inside of
Have you thought about making a new harness yourself?
I redid my 86 ram last spring.
Just plan ahead any changes you want to make such as adding relays for headlights.
Alot of this stuff can be bought locally at NAPA but much more expensive even with shipping added in on online orders.
Is your bulkhead connector in good shape? If so,
The bulkhead terminals are Packard 56
Headlights are Packard 59
They can be bought

Terminals and connectors can be found
here ... _s/259.htm
light socket brass terminals ... ector.html

I bought this crimper for factory type terminals ... B006O1Y1FY
I bought this one for weatherpack terminals that i used ... sbs_auto_2

Wire can be bought
These guys got a lot of options as far weather you want them marked or not ... atalog.pdf
Do not buy Painless Performance bulk wire its 2 to3 times the price of what you will pay from and its the same type TXL.

Any more questions just ask.

Author:  Gjason89 [ Sun May 12, 2013 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actualy i have but I'm afraid it's to confusing for me:/

Author:  Fopar [ Sun May 12, 2013 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's kind of like a 50 mile hike 1 step at a time (1 wire at a time). Know you can do it. :D :D


Author:  xjarhead [ Sun May 12, 2013 1:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's kind of like a 50 mile hike 1 step at a time (1 wire at a time). Know you can do it. :D :D

What he said one wire at a time.
Just mark all the connectors take pictures of connector locations under the hood, and pull the entire harness out.
Yours is three seperate harnesses so pull one at a time.
Once you have it on a table or bench where you can work on it,
stretch it out, unwrap it leaving tape where any wires branch off,
and replace one wire at at time.


Author:  Gjason89 [ Sun May 12, 2013 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the help and information guys!! You all have helped a lot since my first post joining the forum id do the same but I'm still a newbie and learning like crazy everyday about my car. I was actualy planning on making my own then my dad said hell buy me a new wire harness for engine and front end chassis it shld be getting here this week .

Author:  xjarhead [ Mon May 13, 2013 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for all the help and information guys!! You all have helped a lot since my first post joining the forum id do the same but I'm still a newbie and learning like crazy everyday about my car. I was actualy planning on making my own then my dad said hell buy me a new wire harness for engine and front end chassis it shld be getting here this week .
Where did you order from?


Author:  Gjason89 [ Mon May 13, 2013 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

There was one on eBay both the engine harness and the front end chassis for 240 it out at 255 with shipping they were new tons of pics and it was a steel!! They look just as identical as evans ez etc I got lik the BEST price ever

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